Donnerstag, 8. November 2007

More news

I wanted to tell a little bit about my experiences with the Chinese. Well, working in a department where everybody except me is Chinese, I had the full experience already. My first impression is really positive. They are trying to integrate me as good as possible so far, although my knowledge of the Chinese language is not yet sufficient to really understand what they say to each other in Chinese.

Embroidery (German: sticken) seems to be the trend among 20 to 35 year old women. In the lunch break after having eaten, they use the break for stitching. Today one nice colleague proudly showed me a dog with dog clothes she did - another colleague is stitching two pigs. Maybe pig is a famous theme this year as according to the Chinese calendar it is "PIG YEAR".

The typical office drink is green tea. You do not use the tea leaves only once and then throw them away and use new ones, but they use a different type of tea leaves which you can use again and again (all day).

Some time I will surely be able to give you more impressions about the people and the culture.

Today, I equiped myself with a Chinese mobile phone number. They broadly explained to me all the contract types they have. I can tell you: the number of different contract options is as broad as in Germany. However, I noticed that there are two main differences:
1. You can have a contract with monthly contractual payments and still use recharge pay modus. This is very convinient for me because I do not intend to open a Chinese bank account.
2. You do not only have to pay for calls that you do, but also for incoming calls, i.e. if I am receiving a call, I do pay the same as if I was calling this person. This is really odd to me. But maybe our German system is the odd one of the two.

So far the news of today. Next time I'll try to tell you a little bit about Chinese massage.
Hope that you are all fine.

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