Samstag, 23. August 2008

Olympic finals - Cheering for Germany

"I felt pure joy that I had finally achieved after so many years of hard work. Winning the Gold medal at the Olympic Games is the crowning glory."-- Sabine Spitz (GER)

" The atmosphere of the Olympics in Beijing was great! Good to have been here during this unique event." -- me (GER).

"The Beijing Olympics are a grand event for China and the world, but for people living in Beijing it has many downsides to everyday life: fuel prices increased a lot, also other prices increased significantly." - a Chinese cab driver (CHN)

Last day of the Olympics, last medalls, last event for me. This time waterpolo, a sport I didn't know much about. I know now that male waterpolo players tend to have a very athletic upper bodies ("Schrank"), wear very short and tight bathing trunks (rumors go the Greek team is the most sexy), that the rules include a 'bad boy corner' where a player who has fouled too much or too hard in defensive position is expelled from one attack of the opponent. And of course there was the famous white shark music... :-).
The two matches I saw were Germany against Italy and Australia against Greece (loosers named first). The entrance control staff wouldn't let the Germans build a German fan block (a big minus for the bad cooperation and the organisational chaos to the staff in the hall!), so we had to cheer from different places. I taught the surrounding Chinese people to cheer for Germany: "deguo, jiayou! 德国加油!" and soon we were a little bit a multicultural fan block for the German team, but unfortunately this didn't help a lot because the team nevertheless lost.
Quite fun was a Chinese boy (became a fan of Italy today) and long after the Italian game was over, in the middle of the Australia- Greece match he cheered: "Italy jiayou! Italy jiayou!". Pls. also note the deep blue sky in the stadium photo - I didn't fake it!

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