Some things really make us angry. Nor many. But imagine a town 250 km away from Beijing. In that case the town is called Chengde. You want to go there. You choose the so-called fast train. And then you sit there and think: the speed of the train would be a perfect speed for jogging, maybe for riding on a bike, but definitely not for a fast train. Einstein is probably right about his relativity theorem. 4 hours for 250 km (the fast train) is fast compared to the 6-7 hours that normal trains need.
Chengde itself was flourishing in the 18th century when it was chosen as summer and automn residence by the Manchu kings back then. Now it's aUNESCO world heritage site and visited by tons of Chinese tourists (even at 8am in the morning the mountain resort is crowded. The resort itself has a palace (ok, but not the best we've ever seen), a Chinese landscape garden with ponds and lakes (nice to stroll around), many deer (German: Hirsche und Hirschkuehe) which are a Chinese longevity symbol and therefore have to be touched in any case, a grassland (Mongolian style) and hills. Just have a look at the photos to have an impression yourself.
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