Today we (being Agnes and me) saw a water splashing festival which is normally held by the Dai minority in Yunnan, in Southern China. The festival is described as follows:
"The climax of the water-splashing activity is when the people of the different ethnic groups attending the festival splash water upon each other, using basins and buckets. Although all the people are soaked to the skin, all participants are happy."
Well, sounds like fun! Of course Yunnan is not Beijing, but in the Chinese Ethic Culture Park where they try to give you a feeling about traditions of Chinese minorities they had a performance of water splashing. Given the fact that it was a damn hot day it was hard to resist to participate.
The second part of the park also included Uygur, Kazak and Uzbek minorities which live in the Chinese North-West. Worth to remember: China has 56 minorities all over the country. If you're further interested in them / their traditions you can also check the following link: http://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/nationality/56list.htm
Afterwards we went shopping. Never believe people who say: "I don't like shopping." Would people who don't like shopping buy around 12 pieces of clothes in a Decathlon shop (outdoor / sports brand)? But I can't complain because I myself also got some practical clothes at a good price...