Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2008

THE two news of the WEEK

Thanks for your many e-mails as reaction to my Harbin stories.

First news: SNOW
It snows again in Beijing since today!
So what is so special about it?
My observations:
1. no winter tyres on cars (confirmed by a colleague)
2. obviously no service provided by the city authorities to clear the streets from snow
3. obviously no law saying that the owner of a house has to clear the sidewalk from snow.

Jenny Lou's is a supermarket all over Beijing (maybe even China). They sell Chinese and European products. Actually, it is mostly known for the European products. You can e.g. buy a large variety of cheese there (normal Chinese people don't cook with cheese).
They used to give customers free, one time usage plastic bags for the shopped goods. Now this has changed: you have to buy a linen, multi time usage shopping bag and bring it with you next time.
I see this as a sign of increasing environmental consciousness. Maybe a small step, but still.

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