Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2008

sugar water medicine at the tailor's

What happened this week? At work I was busy from Monday to Wednesday because we had an external audit. Seems that it went very well.
Apart from that, Agnes brother Jakob who's on a visit needed a new suit so we went to "my" tailor shop. Hidden in the basement of a Chinese style apartment house nobody would ever find this tailor by coincidence, but only based on recommendation (in my case from a Taiwanese colleague). However, they are always quite busy.
The owner is a woman in her late 40s or early 50s, maybe 1.5 m or 1.6 m tall, from Shanghai and very nice! She talks in quick Chinese to all her clients, evento Agnes brother who doesn't understand Chinese yet. Well, the effort she does is what matters. She is just so attentive and helpful. Suddenly Agnes felt a little bit weak, so our tailor immediately knew the medicine for that: "tang shui" - sugar water! Agnes drank it out of a small cup and she soon felt a little bit better. Our order showed our appreciaton:
one suit, a blouse, three trousers, five skirts. We can't complain about the prices neither. Don't want to make you envious, just for you to have an idea: one pair of trousers: 100 kuai, a skirt: 100 kuai (100 kuai is equivalent to 10 EUR).

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